The Best Instagram Marketing Techniques for 2018

instagram marketing techniques and strategies for 2018

You should build the most extensive Instagram audience that you can. Some people have already developed massive followings on this social media platform and now wield more influence than they ever thought possible.

Your page could be reaching tens of thousands of people per day in just a few years. It won’t be easy, but the results are worth it. Such a large audience will drive significant traffic to your products or services and even provide the ability to sell sponsored posts.

Here are some of the latest marketing techniques for growing your Instagram page in 2018.

How to Use Instagram Effectively

Marketing on Instagram is different from other channels like Facebook and YouTube because of frequency. You can, and should, post much more frequently on Instagram than you do on those other sites.

The average Instagram user checks their app more than 20 times per day. That is a lot if you think about it, adding up to more than 30 minutes of usage each day. That is a big chance to get peoples’ attention multiple times throughout the day. Compared to other media channels, it is an affordable and efficient way to reach your fans.

Posting more often is challenging because you must maintain a high-quality standard. Do whatever you can do to stand out from the crowd, such as investing in good photography and post-production editing that pops out from the content feed.

Growing Your Instagram Audience

After you learn how to capture the attention of your current audience you can shift your focus to growing your channel. The more new people you engage with each day, the more quickly your page can grow. Every interaction with a stranger represents the chance to get a new follower.

You should tag other people in your Instagram posts. Keep an eye out and if it turns out that any of your friends have a big Instagram following, ask them for a shout out. That is a great way to reach new people.

Leave comments on other users’ content whenever you can. Try to spend some time each morning and each evening commenting on posts that show up in your feed.

Stay within your niche. It’s better to build a strong presence in a narrow lane than to try and capture too much attention all at once. Some of the most prominent brands on social media post the same kind of content every day. Learn from them.

When you find a content style that works, do it over and over again as long as it keeps working. It’s hard to go wrong with this approach.

Hashtag Tactics

Hashtags are one of the most powerful tools on Instagram. You can use ten or more hashtags on every post you make without any penalty. You should use enough text that they aren’t visible until a viewer clicks on the “more text” button beneath the image.

There is a particular news feed within the Instagram app for every hashtag. You may reach a lot of new people by getting into these feeds.

Stick to the most popular hashtags that come to mind. Only use tags that are directly relevant to your content, so nobody accuses you of spam. If you use appropriate hashtags on high-quality content every day, you will gain a few new long-term followers each week.

Instagram Goals and Vision

Don’t think about Instagram as a short-term project. Develop a vision for your channel that goes years into the future. With a consistent strategy and great content that never falters, it is possible to build an audience of millions. Think big and you can make it happen.

Try to use all of the tactics in this guide for a month and see how they work for your page. You’ll be impressed at how quickly you see results when you do the right stuff on Instagram.

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