The Benefits of a Mobile Card Reader for Your Business

goemerchant mobile card reader

Whatever their industry or size, today’s growing companies are reaping the benefits of using mobile payment processing solutions. A mobile card reader enables you to accept payments wherever business takes you, which can help boost your sales through increased customer engagement, improved flexibility and an improved overall customer experience. Here are some ways that merchants can use a mobile card reader to help their business flourish.

Grow your sales

Mobile payment technology allows businesses to accept more payment types and broaden their customer base, which means they’ll be able to increase revenue. By simply attaching the card reader to a smartphone or tablet, and you are ready to accept payments wherever business takes you. Expand your business to new venues and customer types by selling your products at farmer’s markets, festivals or trade shows. Today’s customers expect to be able to pay using a debit or credit card—or even their smartphone—everywhere, so make sure your business offers this convenience.

Improve checkout speed

Using mobile card readers in your locations also allows you to provide better customer service and reduce wait times. Don’t risk a customer walking out the door because he or she doesn’t have time to wait in a long checkout line. Instead, you can equip your sales associates with mobile credit card processing tools so they can serve more customers, more quickly right on the sales floor. When your team is able to meet and speak with customers right in the midst of their shopping experience, they can more effectively engage with each customer on a personal basis and offer relevant upsells. When sales associates accept payments on a tablet right on the sales floor, they can simultaneously take advantage of the opportunity to pull up specific product data for customers to let them know which additional products might suit their needs.

Seamless restaurant payments

Mobile payment processing solutions certainly aren’t just for retail stores. Restaurants are also a key industry that can benefit from mobile payment processing tools. Some of the largest U.S. restaurant chains have implemented tablet devices at each table, enabling diners to pay for their meal on their own time so they don’t have to wait for the server to bring their bill. New research has found that over 50 percent of restaurant visitors are currently interested in using this type of payment technology if it were available at the restaurants they frequent. Don’t get left behind in the popularity of these new solutions.

At-table payment processing technology may also help increase order size. Tablets equipped with POS systems can be programmed to display targeted ads at certain points in the dining experience, encouraging patrons to purchase another round of drinks or to order a dessert to share. When diners order their next round of drinks or a dessert right from the tablet at their table, your staff are freed up to more quickly deliver food or clear tables for other guests.

Satisfied customers will return

When customers are happy with the shopping experience they get from your business, they are more likely to be repeat customers. Accepting payments via a mobile card reader helps to improve the customer experience, which also boosts customer loyalty. Using a mobile card reader system enables your staff to better communicate with each other, allowing them to serve your customers wherever they are.

For example, in a restaurant, accepting payments via a mobile device right from the table can significantly decrease the time it takes for a server to accept payments—especially over the course of a busy day. In a retail store, your sales team can meet the customer right where they are, on the sales floor, to accept payment via a tablet without risking losing the sale to long wait times. Having the tablet in hand also enables your associates to quickly search inventory and make personalized product recommendations as they’re interacting one-on-one with the customer. Your customers will appreciate the individual attention and quick access to product information.

When you implement mobile card readers at your business, you give your customers more options for how to pay. What’s more, you’ll also reap many benefits for your operations, your business, and your staff. You can expand your business to new locations, gain actionable insights on your customers and improve the shopping experience. Contact your goEmerchant to get started with a mobile card reader today!

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