5 Steps to Working Smarter, Not Harder

work smarter - goemerchant

Hard work isn’t a foreign concept for entrepreneurs. In order to succeed, entrepreneurs need to do what is necessary to move their companies and ideas forward. But sometimes, hard work alone isn’t enough. When working harder becomes overly tiring or the pressure becomes too great, hard work can actually be a one-way ticket to burning out. This is when entrepreneurs need to learn how to work smarter.

But what is the difference between working hard and working smart?

When we work hard, we’re always going, going, going. We wake up early and power through the day, checking off one item after another. And although working hard can be great and give you the results you’re looking for, you won’t have much time to complete extra activities. Instead, you’ll need to carve out even more time from your busy schedule to do something new.

However, when you work smart, you’re creating a strategy that allows you to get more done in less time. So how can you work smarter, not harder?


 1. Create a To-Do List – But not ANY To-Do List

Many entrepreneurs use to-do lists to stay on top of their projects, but you’re only as organized as your to-do list is. If you are only creating a running list of things you need to get done, you are probably going to fall behind.

Instead, spend time over the weekend creating a master list of everything you need to get done in the week and days ahead. This list can be messy – you’re just attempting to get your thoughts down. As the week goes on and new projects come up, add it to this list.

Then, before each day begins, you want to create a list of tasks and activities that need to be finished on that day. At the top of this list, include 3 things that you need to finish first. These are your most important. Complete them first.

2. Break Down Your Projects to Bite-Sized Chunks 

Have you ever looked at a project and wondered how you’re possibly going to get it finished? It’s just too big and you just don’t know where to start.

Instead of waiting for the project to get easier to manage (it won’t), learn how to break down each project into more manageable chunks. Write down each step, giving yourself a clear path from start to finish.

Not only does this strategy keep you motivated and productive, but you’ll also get through your projects more quickly – giving you more time for other tasks.


3. Develop Habits That Stop You from Procrastinating 

One of the biggest causes of procrastination is not knowing where to start. Without a clear plan or path, it is easy to keep putting it off and putting it off until eventually you’re struggling to complete the project in time.

Start developing habits that lead to productive work. Develop a routine that gets you ready to work and do it every single day before you sit down to get things done.

As you train your mind to get prepared to do work, you’ll start to see your procrastination decrease. Instead, you’ll be ready to get to work when the time comes and you’ll know just when it’s time to sit down and get going.


4. Record Your Wasted Time 

Do you ever get to the end of your day only to wonder where all the time went? Your to-do list is still just as long as it was when you started working and you haven’t gotten much done.

If you feel like you’re wasting time, start paying attention to how much time you’re spending on unnecessary tasks. You can even purchase software that tracks how much time you’re spending on each website or social media platform.

Once you know where you’re wasting your time, you will be more aware of it when you’re trying to get work done. You’ll also know what websites, social media pages, and news sites you should block while you’re at work.


5. Know When to Take a Break

As entrepreneurs, we want to power through all day and night to get just one more thing done. But while you may be able to cross it off your list, it probably isn’t as strong as it would be if you had a clear and focused mind.

Schedule breaks throughout your day – no matter how busy you are. Take fifteen or twenty minutes to yourself every couple hours and allow yourself a longer lunch where you focus on doing something you enjoy, such as catching up on social or reading the news.

You will also want to create a nightly routine that allows you to wind down from working and start relaxing. It may be watching a TV show, going for a run, or cooking dinner. Whatever it is, you’re done working once that activity begins.

If you’re ready to start getting more done, give these five tips a try. You may be surprised at just how much more you’re able to accomplish when you work smarter and not harder.

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